Compass Newsletter – Issue 8 Winter 2023

And just like that, our last newsletter of 2023 is here!

In this wintery issue, we look at how you can maintain your park during the winter period, ready for the new year! We also share our time at exhibitions we have recently attended and announce our Autumn Competition Winner!

Read the full version of our Winter Compass Newsletter

Here’s a snippet of what’s inside this issue:

Stuart Lindsay and Josh Edwards at the Hoseasons Owners Conference

Recent Events

Over the Autumn period, we were excited to exhibit at multiple events within the leisure industry. Our team had a lot of fun meeting and networking with new contacts and catching up with park owners that we already insure.

Take a look at some of the events we attended

Closed Season Works

During the quieter season, take this opportunity to ensure that all is in order around your park. We have listed some handy maintenance ideas to help prevent issues during the winter period.

Find out how you can maintain your park over the cold season

Congratulations to our Autumn Competition Winner!

Stuart Lindsay and Karen Cunnington

In our Autumn Newsletter, we gave you the chance to win a £200 One4All gift card with our Spot the Difference! We asked you to let us know how many differences you could spot in our Autumnal images.

We are delighted to announce our winner who was drawn at random from the correct entries received.

Congratulations to Karen Cunnington who won the £200 One4All gift card!

And there’s so much more! Read the full version of our Winter Newsletter.

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