Twitter Engagement

As you may be aware, Compass has a strong and unique alliance with BH&HPA.

While many Compass customers are already members, some of you are not. However, during this difficult time, I am sure that all park owners want to ensure that Government recognises the effects the Coronavirus outbreak is having on their businesses.

With this in mind, I am more than happy to share the information below on behalf of BH&HPA.

Full engagement across the industry is vital to ensure park business needs are considered by Government throughout the outbreak.

BH&HPA member or not, your industry needs you to act now! Please use Twitter to ensure your voices are heard!

We will continue to forward as much information as we can and urge you all to participate.

For any questions, or further assistance, please contact your local Account Executive or the office team on [email protected]

FTAO: BH&HPA Members

Dear BH&HPA member,

More guidance will be coming to you later today, hopefully giving responses to the many park specific questions you are sending to us.

Whilst the initial priorities of our work in responding to this emergency have been the legislation closing your parks, and getting guidance to you, we now need to prepare for the lobby ahead!

We will be working with all sectors of tourism as we share many similar asks of Government; more will follow on that.

However, as industry after industry is being knocked out by the virus, it will get harder for our voice to be heard amongst the clamour to Government.

So we will need EACH AND EVERY member to engage.

We made a good start yesterday when you responded to my Twitter call. The Tourism Minister and the Department received:

and 30 Replies.

Those are good numbers, but they won’t suffice!

If you already have Twitter

If you already have Twitter, please set up a notification to alert you every time @BHHPA tweets.

David Lakins has provided a ‘how to’ guide for you on this link.

If you don’t have Twitter

If you don’t have Twitter, now is the time to learn!

I know it looks complicated, but trust me, even my mother has mastered it!

Please put your fear aside as if you have a mobile phone, you have a lobby tool.

Again, David Lakins has provided a ‘how to’ guide for you on this link.

Having following David’s instructions, you will be alerted on your phone very time @BHHPA tweets.

In this way, you can add your voice to the lobby fight ahead.

(There are other advantages e.g. you’ll be alerted when to check your inbox when the guidance is dispatched.)

Please think now what you can do to extend our lobby reach.

The lobby calls to action will follow, for now PLEASE PREPARE!

More to follow as there is a lobby battle ahead to be fought and won!

With every good wish,


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