Owners schemes for AR’s – Is your Insurer your friend or foe?

Owners schemes for AR’s – Is your Insurer your friend or foe?

Hundreds of Parks place their trust in Compass to look after their owner’s insurance schemes and work with us as Appointed Representatives, we are very proud of this. We take our working relationships with those Parks very seriously and invest a lot of time and resources in providing a great service.

We also respect that Parks have a choice in the Insurance company they work with. While we are proud to boast a market leading AR offering, occasionally a park will choose to take their scheme elsewhere.

When this happens, we work with the Park to minimise the impact on their owners and to make the transition as smooth as possible. It’s true that our written contract means this is something we have to do, but more importantly it’s something we want to do! Our morals and values would never allow us to approach their customers directly or try to undermine their new offering.

Unfortunately, other providers may not have the same approach…..

We recently had a Park move their owner’s scheme to us because of our superior offering and market leading IT system. However, unbeknown to the park the previous scheme provider had contacted all of their customers directly and offered them insurance terms. It gets worse…..because the previous provider knew what premiums and rates the customers were paying previously, they offered significantly lower premiums and rates in a bid to cause further disruption.

The response from that competitor when challenged by the Park was “we own the customer and our agreement allows us to do this”. This might be accurate but in our opinion it’s morally wrong, seriously undermines a park and damages the relationship with their owners.

This raises again the question of ‘customer data’ and how this is protected in any formal agreements. You can rest assured with Compass that our agreements protect you and your customers and doesn’t allow us to contact them directly for future business.

Why does this matter? Well as much as you may be completely happy with your current provider (and if it’s Compass we are confident you are!) there may come a time when you want to look for alternatives. If that happens can you trust that the insurer will behave in the right way? Are you protected against losing a valuable income stream?

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